A Spanish-language flyer that provides a brief introduction to SanaMente: El Movimiento de Salud Mental de California, the importance of mental health in Latino communities, and lime green as the color for mental health awareness. El folleto proporciona una introducción de SanaMente: El Movimiento de Salud Mental de California, incluye la importancia de la salud mental entre la comunidad Latina, y la razón porque el color limon verde es el color disignado para levantar la conciencia de la salud mental.
The SanaMente Logo with funding statement is the branded title alongside the ribbon icon for SanaMente with the campaign's funders' logos and funding statement.
12 pre-written email templates in both English and Spanish ready for distribution, alongside accompanying themed social media posts. In addition, a series of holiday graphics are provided in English.
A webinar which reviews tips, strategies, and resources for self-care during and following COVID-19, and shares resources available from Each Mind Matters: California’s Mental Health Movement.