The business size message cards provide inspirational messages to share with others. A total of 11 designs are provided: two bilingual, five in English, and four in Spanish. You’ve probably had the experience of wanting to show support for someone, but not knowing what to say. The Each Mind Matters affirmation/support cards can help. It’s an easy way to show support and bridge the distance between someone who is struggling and someone who would like to help.
Alternatively, people can choose to keep a card for themselves. These affirmations are written in a positive, future-oriented and realistic manner which research has shown has a powerful impact on improving people’s self-perception.
The message cards are available as JPGs for sharing via social media or email, or in a printer-ready PDF so you can print the document double-sided and cut out your own message cards. The message cards were also animated and are available as video files to upload and share on social media.