Butte County worked with a local free newspaper to create an 8-page insert highlighting county-wide suicide prevention activities. The insert uses the logo and color schemes of the Know the Signs campaign, and encompasses many of the steps on the campaign website. Other pages focus on older adults, GLBT individuals, law enforcement and the county task force. The insert was also disseminated as a stand-alone product on college campuses. It is a great example of how to use the campaign locally in a tailored way.
You can access this insert by copying and pasting this URL into your internet browser: http://issuu.com/news_review/docs/know_2012-10-18
The materials can be downloaded in two formats: print ready files and electronic files. The electronic files can be shared via email and printed on your home or office computer. The print ready files can be submitted to outside printers at your local print shop.
Brochures are also available for purchase through the Each Mind Matters Shop.