This Learning Collaborative promotes sharing of knowledge and experience about strategic planning for suicide prevention among peers who coordinate local suicide prevention efforts around the state. In fiscal year 2018-2019, Learning Collaborative members participated in five group webinars focusing on various aspects of the strategic planning process from strategic frameworks, to data collection and evaluation. In fiscal year 2019-2020 the Learning Collaborative builds upon existing content further exploring in-depth components of comprehensive suicide prevention at the community and county levels. Each “member team” receives individualized technical assistance from Each Mind Matters team members.
(NOTE: All PowerPoint slides, as well as other items such as data briefings listed below can be downloaded from the “download box” to the right of the screen)
Strategic Planning for Suicide Prevention: Strategic Planning Framework
View recording: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/recording/2093205551616896003
Description: This webinar outlined a 6-step strategic planning framework and discussed the public health approach to suicide prevention. Subsequent webinars delved deeper into each of the 6 steps outlined in the Framework.
For more information about strategic planning for suicide prevention, please see the following:
- Suicide Prevention Resource Center’s online course “A Strategic Planning Approach to Suicide Prevention”: https://training.sprc.org/enrol/index.php?id=31
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, “Preventing Suicide: A Technical Package of Policy, Programs, and Practices”: https://www.cdc.gov/violenceprevention/pdf/suicideTechnicalPackage.pdf
- National Action Alliance for Suicide Prevention, “Transforming Communities: Key elements for the implementation of comprehensive community-based suicide prevention”: https://theactionalliance.org/resource/transforming-communities-key-elements-implementation-comprehensive-community-based-suicide
Strategic Planning for Suicide Prevention: Describing the Problem and Context
View recording: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/recording/2254369767613613827
Description: This webinar discussed the value of a data-driven planning process and explored different sources of data that can be used to describe the problem of suicide in a community. A common understanding of the problem of suicide is presented as the foundation for developing long term goals for the strategic plan.
Strategic Planning for Suicide Prevention: Coalition Building
View recording: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/recording/511125968697705217
Creating Suicide Prevention Community Coalitions: A Practical Guide:
Description: This webinar reviewed the importance and role of a suicide prevention coalition in strategic planning, and how to assess the best coalition structure for the local community, including identifying stakeholders and organizing and engaging members.
Crisis Coping Theory and the Suicidal Crisis Path (no recording available)
Description: This presentation by Noah Whitaker, MBA, provided an in-depth discussion of the two models to address suicide prevention, the “Crisis Coping Theory” and “The Suicidal Crisis Path”. These models were developed and implemented as part of Fresno County’s Strategic Plan for Suicide Prevention.
Strategic Planning for Suicide Prevention: Putting Planning into Action
View recording: https://register.gotowebinar.com/register/6650273329487913474
Description: This webinar provided information about developing and implementing interventions that will address the goals of the strategic plan. Topics included identifying evidence -based programs and best and promising practices and assessing which interventions will be most effective in the community.
Strategic Planning for Suicide Prevention: Evaluating Your Efforts
View recording: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/7071169679135458562
Description: The final webinar focused on the evaluation of the strategic plan, and the utility of developing logic models as a foundation for assessing whether your efforts are effective, and what modifications are needed to strengthen outcomes.
Please also see the following for more information:
- RAND Suicide Prevention Evaluation Toolkit: https://www.rand.org/pubs/tools/TL111.html#download
Strategic Planning for Suicide Prevention: Postvention After a Suicide
View recording: https://register.gotowebinar.com/recording/2783486656319297032
Postvention: After a Suicide (briefing handout)
Description: This webinar outlined options for developing active postvention response plans that includes support for survivors of suicide attempts and suicide loss and reducing the risk of contagion.
For more information about strategic planning on postvention, please see the following:
- Responding to Grief, Trauma, and Distress After Suicide: U.S. National Guidelines: https://www.sprc.org/sites/default/files/migrate/library/RespondingAfterSuicideNationalGuidelines.pdf
- After Rural Suicide: A Guide for Coordinated Community Postvention Response: https://www.cibhs.org/sites/main/files/file-attachments/after_rural_suicide_guide_2016rev.pdf
- Organizing a Community Response to Suicide: https://www.sccgov.org/sites/bhd/Services/SP/Documents/2018/scc-sp-organizing-a-community-response-to-suicide-06-2011.pdf
- Manager’s Guide to Suicide Prevention in the Workplace: https://theactionalliance.org/sites/default/files/managers-guidebook-to-suicide-postvention-web.pdf
- After a Suicide: A Toolkit for Schools: http://www.sprc.org/sites/default/files/resource-program/AfteraSuicideToolkitforSchools.pdf
Strategic Planning for Suicide Prevention: Means Safety
View recording: https://register.
Means Safety (briefing handout)
Description: This webinar outlined research and strategies to support means restriction as part of suicide prevention planning with an emphasis on research around firearm safety approaches.
Strategic Planning for Suicide Prevention: Population Level Strategies
View recording: https://register.
Population Level Briefing Hand-Out
Description: This webinar outlined research and provided an overview of evidence-based practices to support population level interventions for suicide prevention, including social-emotional learning, mindfulness, community engagement, community health, and public awareness campaigns to promote mental health and suicide prevention.
Strategic Planning for Suicide Prevention: Targeting Strategies to High Risk Population
View recording: https://attendee.gotowebinar.
Description: This webinar outlined strategies targeting messaging and interventions for populations that are disproportionately affected by suicide. Content included review of the types of data that can help identify higher risk populations, strategies and settings for reaching higher risk populations, and examples of approaches that have been effective in reaching higher risk populations such as men, older adults, veterans and their families, individuals with substance use disorders, first responders, and survivors of suicide loss. Also reviewed were approaches in workplace and restaurant settings, and continuity of care after discharge from inpatient settings. Gues speakers included Lyndsay Tibbets from Shasta County Health and Human Services Agency, who presented on the Captain Awesome Campaign; and Sandri Kramer from the Did Hirsch Suicide Prevention Center presenting on the Mayor's Challenge to Prevent Suicide Among Service Members, Veterans, and Their Families.
Strategic Planning for Suicide Prevention: Before, During and After a Crisis
View recording: https://attendee.gotowebinar.
Description: This webinar outlined strategies and interventions for identifying and supporting to individuals who are experiencing thoughts of suicide. Content included gatekeeper trainings available to help assist with identification, screening and assessment for people identified at risk of suicide, and crisis response and services to support people in the least restrictive settings. Guest speakers included Dr. Laurel Bear and Joan Asarnow, Ph.D. who presented on the Family Intervention for Suicide Prevention (FISP) and how it is being adapted to the school setting. In addition, Angi Abbot with Riverside University Health System spoke about Riverside County's Crisis Support System of Care utilizing the Crisis Now model.