Gun ownership is concentrated in the very same population that has the highest rate – and number – of suicides. According to a Pew Research Center study that tracks national trends in gun ownership, three-quarters of gun owners are male, and 82% are white. The Gun Shop Project was originally developed as a partnership between the New Hampshire Firearms Safety Coalition and the Means Matter Campaign and has since then been adopted by several counties in California. The goal is to join suicide prevention and firearm communities around the common goal of keeping people who may be at risk of suicide safe. These resources will help you implement a Gun Shop Project in your community.
The Activity Tip Sheet provides a step-by-step approach to implementing this activity in your local community.
- Gun Shop Project FAQs
- Tips for Dealers
- Tips for Fire Range Owners
- Gun Shop Brochure (three files are provided, one that can be customized, a print-ready version for your office printer or local print shop, and a print-ready version with crop marks for a professional printer)
- Gun Shop Poster (two print-ready files are provided that can both be customized, a print-ready version for your office printer or local print shop, and a print-ready version with crop marks for a professional printer)