In support of National Suicide Prevention Awareness Week and World Suicide Prevention Day, Each Mind Matters: California’s Mental Health Movement is excited to share materials and resources that can assist you in planning activities and events in your county and community. This year we are encouraging a special focus on men in the middle years and have provided a range of tools including a data briefing, hand-outs, a presentation and a drop-in article to support outreach to this population.
The Toolkit is organized into the following sections and resources and suggested activities can be used throughout the year, not just during Suicide Prevention Week!
- General Suicide Prevention Tools
- Coaster and Coffee Sleeve Activity (email info@eachmindmatters.org to order coasters and coffee sleeves)
- Resources for Men in the Middle Years including a drop-in article, data briefing, talking points, presentation and resource hand-out.
- Gun Shop Activity
- Messaging about Suicide Prevention
- Involving Young People with tools including a drop-in article about 13 Reasons Why, school-based activity and a “13 Reasons Why Not” activity tip sheet.